time translation

英 [taɪm trænzˈleɪʃn] 美 [taɪm trænzˈleɪʃn]

网络  时移; 时间平移; 时间上



  1. The savings in time and translation costs are especially evident when you build large applications, such as mail and pubnames.
  2. The values are automatically improved and upgraded each time a translation is accepted by an Expert or an Administrator.
  3. I am one in the school undergraduate student, has contacted many South Korean, and talks unimpededly, also has very many time written translation experience.
  4. At this time, translation enters the post-faithful period.
  5. At the same time, translation is also one of the means of the exchanges of ideas and contacts between the nations using different languages.
  6. While translating into Chinese, trademarks should be chosen to cater to the aesthetic psychology of Chinese consumers, at the same time, translation principles and methods should be paid attention to.
  7. Time translation symmetry and conservation of energy
  8. The parameters describing the properties of the space-time cross-correlation of dynamic speckles are given under some special conditions, as spatial correlation length, correlation time, translation distance and correlation distance.
  9. Our algorithm was used to bijective mapping, and pretreating before the run time translation.
  10. China is in the fourth prime time of translation in the history, which contributes greatly to the development of Chinese economy.
  11. According to Lefevere, the most important factors that determine the image of a literary work as projected by the translation are the translator's ideology and the poetics dominant in the receiving culture at the time the translation is made.
  12. From the principle of symmetry, law of conservation of energy is proved. And have a simple geometric express for time translation symmetry and conservation of energy.
  13. For a very long time, translation equivalence is the focus of discussion in circle of the science of translation at home and abroad.
  14. Contrastive analysis provides the theoretical bases for the research of translation and guides the practice of translation. At the same time, translation provides plenty of language bases and analytical bases for contrastive analysis.
  15. At the same time semiotic translation approach absorbed language function theory from linguistics.
  16. For a long time, translation criticism has not been taken seriously in China.
  17. Complier time translation algorithm is adopted for instruction and data region, this algorithm only access the address translation table in the translation state to eliminate the complex address translation in the execution state.
  18. A long time the translation of The Bible holds an important position, especially in the late ancient Rome as well as the process of the development of the national language of the Middle Ages. The translation of The Bible plays a most important role.
  19. At the same time, translation is not only the bridge between different languages, but also the inter-cultural communication between different cultures.
  20. In translation activities, the techniques of translation variation could make the translation texts brief, clear and logical, and also can save time in translation as well.
  21. At the same time, translation theories also have influence on socio-ideology.
  22. Chinese and English number and time expression recognition method is proposed. Number and time expression translation method from Chinese to English is presented.
  23. The vocabulary translation includes time noun translation, quantifiers translation, loan words translation, new vocabulary translation, abbreviation translation.
  24. For a long time translation quality assessment ( TQA) has been a problem bothering translation teachers.
  25. All these led to the lacking of creativity in translation activities. At the same time, translation studies attached itself to linguistics, which prevented its own development.
  26. Hence, in the course of English translation of Chinese idioms, we should choose suitable methods better to convey Chinese culture. However, up to the present time, translation researches in this field are still rather limited.
  27. At the same time, translation ethics is also a multi-dimensional concept.
  28. When the meaning of the idioms is the surface meaning, the literal translation is available, but at the same time the translation may be much longer.
  29. However, after so many years of English learning and some time of translation training, the students 'performance in translation is still far from satisfactory.
  30. For a long time, translation studies had been approached mainly in terms of the comparison between language structures in an ontological way.